Our commitment is to provide travelers with an elevated level of comfort, superb accommodations, and a strong focus on ensuring their safety. Our hotel is dedicated to delivering services that are meticulously designed to offer the utmost comfort to our valued guests. Accommodation is available in well-appointed rooms, tastefully decorated and equipped with the right amenities to ensure a comfortable stay, regardless of the length of their visit. We are dedicated to ensuring that every guest has a pleasant stay with us, with a primary focus on customer satisfaction. Our aim is to consistently provide service that fulfills and even surpasses our valued customers’ expectations. Your satisfaction and the service we deliver to meet your expectations are of utmost importance to us.
Royal Crown
Suit 4 BED Room
₹4,500.00 – ₹9,500.00
Add Personal Information (Name, Age, Adhara Card) – https://forms.gle/VbV7aSdjxqDuPxoJ6
- Free Wi-Fi
- Air Conditioning
- Room Service
- Mineral Water – additional charge
- Bathroom
- Housekeeping
- Laundry Service
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