Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 6 shlok 24, 25

By completely renouncing all desires that arise from worldly thoughts, one should restrain the senses from all directions using the mind. Gradually and steadily, with firm conviction in the intellect, the mind will become fixed solely on God and think of nothing else. Description Meditation involves a dual process of withdrawing the mind from the …

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Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 6 shlok 23

That state of freedom from misery is known as Yog. This Yog should be steadfastly practiced with unwavering determination and without pessimism. Description The material world, referred to as the realm of Maya, is described by Shree Krishna in verse 8.15 as “duḥkhālayam aśhāśhvatam,” meaning temporary and full of misery. Maya, the material energy, is …

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Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 6 shlok 22

Upon reaching that state, one considers no other attainment to be greater. Once established in this state, one remains unshaken even amidst the greatest calamity. Description In the material realm, no achievement fully satisfies a person. A poor individual strives to become wealthy and feels content upon becoming a millionaire. However, when this millionaire sees …

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 6 shlok 22 Read More »

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 6 shlok 23

That state of freedom from union with misery is known as Yog. This Yog should be steadfastly practiced with determination and without pessimism. Description The material world is the realm of Maya, which Shree Krishna describes in verse 8.15 as duḥkhālayam aśhāśhvatam—temporary and full of misery. Thus, Maya is likened to darkness, as it plunges …

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 6 shlok 23 Read More »

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 6 shlok 21

In that blissful state of Yog, known as samadhi, one experiences supreme, boundless divine joy. Firmly situated in this state, one never deviates from the Eternal Truth. Description The yearning for bliss is intrinsic to the soul’s nature because we are fragments of God, who is an ocean of bliss. Several quotations from the Vedic …

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Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 6 shlok 20

When the mind, restrained from material activities, becomes still through the practice of Yog, the yogi can perceive the soul with a purified mind and experiences inner joy. Description Having described the process of meditation and the state of its perfection, Shree Krishna now reveals the results of such efforts. When the mind is purified, …

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 6 shlok 20 Read More »

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 6 shlok 16

Thus, by consistently keeping the mind focused on Me, the disciplined yogi attains nirvāṇ and dwells in supreme peace with Me. Description After explaining the object and goal of meditation, Shree Krishna provides guidelines for bodily maintenance, stating that improper care of the body hinders success in Yog. While we are the soul, the body …

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 6 shlok 16 Read More »

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