Shremad Bhagavad Gita All Chapters

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 3 shlok 20,21

By fulfilling their prescribed duties, King Janak and other noble individuals achieved perfection. Similarly, you should also carry out your responsibilities to set a positive example for the benefit of the world. The actions of great personalities serve as a guiding light for ordinary people; they set the standards that the world strives to emulate. …

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 3 shlok 20,21 Read More »

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 3 shlok 19

Self-realized souls have nothing to gain or lose in either fulfilling or renouncing their duties. They are independent of other living beings to fulfill their self-interest. Description In verses 3.8 to 3.16, Shree Krishna fervently encourages those who have not yet attained the transcendental platform to diligently fulfill their prescribed duties. However, in verses 3.17 …

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 3 shlok 19 Read More »

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 3 shlok 18

Self-realized souls have nothing to gain or lose in either fulfilling or renouncing their duties. They are independent of other living beings to fulfill their self-interest. Description These self-realized individuals dwell on the transcendental platform of the soul, where all their actions are dedicated to serving God. Therefore, the duties prescribed for worldly individuals based …

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 3 shlok 18 Read More »

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 3 shlok 17

The Supreme Lord gently addressed Arjun, expressing concern: “My dear Arjun, how has this delusion overcome you in this hour of peril? It is not becoming of one of your stature. Such confusion does not lead to higher realms but instead to dishonor.” Description Only those who have relinquished desires for external objects can find …

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 3 shlok 17 Read More »

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 3 shlok 16

The Supreme Lord gently addressed Arjun, expressing concern: “My dear Arjun, how has this delusion overcome you in this hour of peril? It is not becoming of one of your stature. Such confusion does not lead to higher realms but instead to dishonor.” Description In our sacred texts, the term Ārya doesn’t denote any particular …

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 3 shlok 16 Read More »

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 3 shlok 15

The duties prescribed for human beings are delineated in the Vedas, which are manifested by God Himself. Thus, the omnipresent Lord perpetually abides in sacrificial acts. Description The Vedas, as stated in the Bṛihadāraṇyak Upaniṣhad, emanate from the very breath of the Supreme Divine Personality, encompassing the Ṛig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sāma Veda, and Atharva …

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 3 shlok 15 Read More »

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 3 shlok 14

All living beings rely on sustenance, and food is cultivated through rains. Rains, in turn, stem from sacrificial rituals, which are generated through the execution of prescribed duties. Description Here, Lord Krishna elucidates the natural cycle: Rain yields grains, which nourish living beings and transform into blood. From blood, semen is generated, serving as the …

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Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 3 shlok 13

Pleased with the yagya rituals, the divine deities will provide you with all the necessities of life. However, those who consume the offerings without reciprocating are actually like thieves. Description In the Vedic tradition, food preparation is imbued with the consciousness that the meal is intended for the pleasure of the divine. A portion of …

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Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 3 shlok 12

Pleased with the yagya rituals, the divine deities will provide you with all the necessities of life. However, those who consume the offerings without reciprocating are actually like thieves. Description As overseers of the universe’s workings, the celestial deities provide essential elements like rain, wind, crops, and minerals. Humanity owes them gratitude for their benevolence. …

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Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 3 shlok 11

Through your sacrificial offerings, the celestial deities will be gratified, fostering a collaborative relationship between humans and the celestial beings, leading to immense prosperity for all. Description The celestial gods, known as devatās, are responsible for governing the universe under the direction of the Supreme Lord. They occupy specific roles within the administration of the …

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 3 shlok 11 Read More »

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